Doug & Susanna Corbett & 5 daughters

Doug & Susanna Corbett & 5 daughters


Congratulations to Dad & Mom from their
5 daughters (Carol, Jan, Lorraine, Darlene & Adele)
5 son in laws (Paul, Terry, Elwood, Randy & Earl)
16 grandchildren
16 spouses
32 GREAT GRANDCHILDREN (as of April 2010)
- we now total 76!

Happy Anniversary from Randy & Darlene THOMAS Family

Mom and Dad,

Bob Hope’s theme song was “Thanks for the memories” and as I started to type “sixty years of marriage” that song started running through my mind. You have provided all of us with many memories…small treasures to tuck away and pull out on rainy days or in quiet moments. Thanks for that.

Thanks also for the example of commitment; commitment to God, commitment to each other, commitment to the “I dos” you whispered sixty years ago and commitment to enjoying life. Although it seems many people today feel that commitment is synonymous with incarceration you have been a living testimony that it is the active ingredient in the fountain of youth.

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
With our love Randy and Darlene

Thomas Family
Winnipeg, Manitoba